Wednesday, January 22 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Fort Myers Technical College 3800 Michigan Avenue – Room A12, Fort Myers, FL 33916
The City of Fort Myers is launching the Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard Complete Streets Study. This study intends to provide an alternatives analysis for the City to evaluate the appropriate type, design, and typical section for future corridor improvements on Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard from SR 82/Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard to SR 80/Palm Beach Boulevard. These improvements will be consistent with the Complete Streets guidelines and policies adopted by the City and is also respective of environmental policies and environmental justice regulations. The preliminary evaluation intends to identify areas along this stretch of roadway where improvements can be made. The focus of this study is to enhance transportation and safety for all users, which includes pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and public transportation users
As part of the City’s commitment to ongoing infrastructure improvements, the City plans to rebuild the existing bridge over Billy Creek. This reconstruction is not merely a maintenance effort but intends to enhance safety, restore load capacity, and ensure that the new design will incorporate advanced materials and construction techniques to extend the lifespan of the bridge while minimizing future maintenance needs. In conjunction with the bridge reconstruction, the City is also expanding its design project to embrace a Complete Streets approach for Veronica S. Shoemaker Boulevard. This strategy represents a progressive shift in urban planning that emphasizes sustainability and inclusivity. By integrating various modes of transportation such as pedestrian walkways, bicycle lanes, public transit options, and vehicle access the Complete Streets initiative seeks to create a more balanced and accessible roadway environment.
We invite you to share your valuable insights and opinions on our community’s development by participating in a survey focused on proposed Complete Streets enhancements including, lighting, landscaping, roundabouts, bike lanes, lane widening, and shared-use paths.
Your feedback is crucial in shaping a safer and more accessible environment for everyone. Together, we can enhance our community’s infrastructure and ensure it meets the needs of all residents!
To access the survey, please click button below.
Join Us for a Public Meeting
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Fort Myers Technical College
3800 Michigan Avenue – Room A -12
Fort Myers, FL 33916
The public meeting will be an open house format. Come anytime between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Complete Streets are streets designed and operated to enable safe use and support mobility for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. They typically include sidewalks, bike lanes, bus lanes, safe crosswalks, median islands, accessible pedestrian signals, curb extensions, narrower travel lanes, roundabouts, and landscaping. This approach emphasizes the need for comprehensive planning, design, and operational strategy that accommodates various modes of transportation while prioritizing safety and accessibility. This includes designing features that reduce vehicle speeds and improve visibility at crossings to increase safety. By creating safer environments for walking and cycling, Complete Streets enhance physical activity among residents and improve public health outcomes.